About Fissured Tongue Series We receive quite a bit of stunning work that we do not get to publish in our online or print issue-- work that speaks to us, turns us inside out and articulates the visceral, work that we cannot fit into two issues per year. Thus, we created Inverted Syntax’s Fissured Tongue series to bring you pieces that speak to Inverted Syntax’s mission: fictional stories, creative non-fiction, poetry, and everything in-between. Fissured Tongue series publishes work we love intermittently between our digital (October) and print (January) issues. Every few weeks to a month, we’ll bring you fresh voices, urgent storytelling, and stunning language: watch this space or follow us on Instagram and Twitter to always be in the know. All submissions made to Inverted Syntax are also considered for Fissured Tongue. Coming SOON. Fissured Volumes! Featured Cover Art:Unidentified Variety of Birch by Andrea Rexilius, mixed media collage, 11 x 17 inches, 2018, cropped. Published in Inverted Syntax print issue 2019.
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“Things Found Inside Women’s Bodies: Bowl“ by Salma Ahmad Caller. Watercolour,
collage, graphite, Indian Ink, gesso, gold pigment. dust, 54.5cm x 19cm, cropped, 2018,
“Untitled (Heart-Shaped Face)” by Daisy Patton.
Oil on Archival Print on Panel,
30 x 24 in, 2018
Art by Andrea Rexilius
"Expedition Oriental Body" by Salma Ahmad Caller. Indian Ink, collage, graphite, gold dust pigment on acid free cartridge paper, 59.4cm x 84.1cm, 2018.
“Oculus of The Body” by Salma Ahmad Caller. Watercolor Collage, Graphite, Indian ink, & Gold pigment,
76.5 x 55.5 cm, cropped, 2018
“Untitled" by Tameca L Coleman, Digital Photograph,
cropped, 2018