Hillary Leftwich currently resides in Denver with her son. She earned her BA in professional writing/English from CU Denver, her MA in creative writing from Regis University, and her MFA in fiction and poetry at the Mile High MFA program at Regis University. She is co-host for At the Inkwell Denver, a monthly reading series, and organizes/hosts other reading and fundraising events. She was associate editor at The Conium Review, nonfiction editor for The Fem Lit Mag, editor for F(r)iction, and marketing coordinator/reader for Vestal Review. She was a featured poet for “100 Thousand Poets for Change” in Denver, twice featured reader and host for The Fbomb Reading Series, featured reader for Don't Yell at Me reading series, and featured as one of Westword Magazine's "100 Colorado Creatives" in 2017. She won the Colorado Young Writers Award her senior year in high school and has been nominated three times for a Pushcart Prize, three times for Best Small Fictions of 2016 and 2017, and a Best of the Net in 2017. Her writing appears or is forthcoming in Civil Coping Mechanisms (CCM), The Missouri Review, The Review Review, Smokelong Quarterly, Matter Press, Hobart, WhiskeyPaper, NANO Fiction, Monkeybicycle, Flash: The International Short-Short Story Magazine, Sundog Lit, Heavy Feather Review, Literary Orphans, 100 Choices: A Fundraising Project curated by Selah Saterstrom and HR Hegnauer, and others. Her first book is forthcoming from CCM in 2019.
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